Humanities and social sciences / Year 4 / Inquiry and skills / Evaluating and reflecting

Curriculum content descriptions

Draw simple conclusions based on analysis of information and data (ACHASSI079)

  • describing risks in past times (for example, for those involved in sea travel, exploration and colonisation) and making inferences about similar risks today (for example, the risks of space and deep sea exploration, colonising other planets, adapting to life in a new environment)
  • explaining how seeking resources is connected to trade, world exploration, colonisation and environmental change
  • finding connections, in order to draw conclusions, from an analysis of sources (for example, relationships between plants and animals in an ecosystem; languages of countries and the nations which colonised them; shipwreck locations and natural features; local government services and how people benefit)
  • concluding from an analysis of historical records how laws, and the consequences of not following them, have changed over time (for example, contrasting penalties applied in eighteenth-century Britain and those applied in modern Australia)
  • using new knowledge to make an argument on a topic relevant to them and their community (for example, whether they agree with a school rule, a proposed change in the community, what the local government can do about an issue)
  • reflecting on how people of the past are represented in fiction and other sources, and critically examining stereotypes in their representations (for example, claims that women did not work, inferences that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are the same)
General capabilities
  • Literacy Literacy
  • Critical and creative thinking Critical and creative thinking
ScOT terms

Data analysis,  Reasoning,  Geographic location,  Spatial technologies

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Related topic

Investigate: cane toads

This unit of work is designed to help students understand cane toads and their threat to the Australian environment and agricultural production. Why some animals are to be protected and others need to be eradicated. The resource includes a teacher guide, student learning journal and a PowerPoint presentation.


Biosecurity surveillance at school

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Fighting floodwaters

This is an illustrated story retelling the real-life engineering decisions made to mitigate flood damage to a Queensland town that experiences frequent, dangerous flooding. It focuses on the value of being an engineer and how It benefits local communities. The downloadable PDF includes classroom activities.


Moving a town

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